Amazon best selling books by Carl Gallups
Amazon best selling books by Carl Gallups
WND Books
Very few authors can write with this author's knowledge and deep understanding of the Christian faith and its many enemies. Carl Gallups has written another gem! - Jeff Kuhner, Host of the Kuhner Report, WRKO AM 680 Boston
Book Carl Gallups for interviews
How did the early church deal with persecution?
How did the early church minister in disaster?
Is real persecution coming to America?
What does the Bible say about self-defense?
What about the martyrs?
What about "turn the other cheek?"
What did Jesus say about self-defense?
Should a church have a security team?
Should Christians be "prepping?"
What about "obeying the government"
What if a shooter enters your church?
How can I practically prepare for times of trouble?
How much emergency supplies do I need?
How can I minister to others in times of trouble?
How can I survive in a "worst case" scenario?
These questions and many more like them are answered in -

Washington D.C.
By CARL GALLUPS/ Senior Pastor - Best Selling Author - Radio Talk Host - Guest Commentator - Former Law Enforcement Officer
Order Rabbi Movie HERE
Order Rabbi Movie HERE
Finally - biblical and practical answers to your toughest questions!
Prepare to be informed, equipped , and inspired!
This is a must-read for all who see disturbing trends in America ... and want to be ready to defend sacred Biblical principles in a permissive and secular era. -Dr. Grace Vuoto, Editor of Politics and Culture at and host of American Heartland with Dr. Grace on WTSB AM 1080, Raleigh, North Carolina.
Across the earth there is a growing sense that we are in the last days. Now is the time to get ready. Pastor Carl Gallups' latest work draws upon his past as a police officer with his present calling as a pastor, to give us a solid and well thought out action plan to prepare for what lies ahead. - Joel Richardson (NYT bestselling author, film producer, Middle East expert)
September 2015
BE THOU PREPARED is of paramount importance and could save not only your life, but the lives of your families and also many others. - Charl van Wyk, pastor, missionary, and bestselling author of Shooting Back: The Right and Duty of Self Defense
Foreword by Charl van Wyk
Hallelujah! The first Christian manifesto for being prepared physically and spiritually for tribulation ahead. - Pastor Mark Biltz, founder of El Shaddai Ministries and author of Blood Moons
I. Love. This. Book. Carl Gallups uses brilliantly simple language to tell the believing Christian just how to prepare for the final days. Read the Bible first. Read the Constitution second. And read Be Thou Prepared next. It's powerful, practical, political and biblical all rolled into one, and it'll tell you step-by-step how to put on the full armor of God, circa twenty-first century. - Cheryl Chumley, journalist, columnist and author of Police State USA: How Orwell's Nightmare Is Becoming Our Reality
What are history's lessons for America's Christians?
Is Muslim extremism a real threat?
Are American Christians really "persecuted?"
Carl Gallups' new book, Be Thou Prepared is a message for our time. As a Watchman on the wall, Carl courageously addresses "we the church" to get ready. All God-fearing people must read this book for two reasons: to be prepared for the inevitable and to be encouraged and to stand confidently on God's promise of redemption. - Bill Martinez, nationally syndicated talk radio host of Bill Martinez Live!
Carl Gallups has entered the Bible prophecy community like a comet, reeling off one bestselling book after another. The writer of "The Magic Man in the Sky" (one of the very best apologetics books I've ever read) and "The Rabbi Who Found Messiah" is a prolific thinker and author. In "Final Warning" Gallups intends to wake us from our slumber! He cranks out thought-provoking titles like Stephen King produces horror novels.
Jim Fletcher

Director of Prophecy Matters apologetic group, author, book critic, and many years in the book publishing industry says:

The problem with most secular 'Prepper' books is the fear and anxiety with which they are normally associated. In this book Carl Gallups brings a refreshing level of peace and calm to the discussion which is much needed in a time when Christianity is under open assault and the call for God's people to 'get ready' has never been so urgent. - Michael D Shoesmith, author, syndicated writer, Executive Editor of PNN News and Ministry Network
Carl Gallups has been given the ability to answer the questions that are silently in all our hearts these days and to do so following God's Word. . .. Be Thou Prepared is the most important of all and coming at this time in our history, truly epic! This is a book that every ministry, every church, every Pastor or leader, every community leader, and every adult Sunday school should discover. - Jim Bakker, host of the Jim Bakker Show
Copyright 2015 by Carl Gallups and WND Books - All Rights Reserved
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