At HHBC we do not believe or teach that homosexuality is the "unforgiveable" sin, nor do we believe that homosexuality is the "only" sexual sin.

At HHBC, we have a long history of lovingly ministering to those who claim to be in the homosexual lifestyle and who are looking for biblical truth and true Christian care. The leadership of HHBC under pastor Gallups has never been accussed of being abusive or unloving towards anyone in the homosexual community. We do not hate homosexuals. Homosexuality has been in this world since the pages of Genesis. We endeavor to be kind, gracious, and loving towards all who will allow us to be so. However, our Chrisitan graciousness does not hinder us from speaking the balanced and contextual biblical truth of the matter.

This page is provided to counter the ubiquitous material on the internet, and elsewhere, that attempts to argue that the Bible has nothing to say about homosexuality as being a sinful activity for which a person is held accountable before our Creator. We pray that you find this information useful in your life's journey and in your attempts to minister the contextual truth of science, nature, and the Word of God.

Science News - "There is no Gay Gene"

(2015) Eight major scientific studies: homosexuality is not genetic (Conducted by four nations / A 24-year study/ Involving renowned geneticists)

(2015) PROOF: Transgenderism is a mental disorder - Dr. Paul McHugh - Psychologist Johns-Hopkins University Hospital (The pioneers in Transgender Surgery)

Respected Professionals Call Transgenderism - "Mental Illness That Needs Treatment, Not Celebrated and Enabled."

The Center For Disease Control(CDC) says:

"Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) have been rising among gay and bisexual men, with increases in syphilis being seen across the country. In 2014, gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men accounted for 83% of primary and secondary syphilis cases where sex of sex partner was known in the United States. Gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men often get other STDs, including chlamydia and gonorrhea infections. HPV (Human papillomavirus), the most common STD in the United States, is also a concern for gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men. Some types of HPV can cause genital and anal warts and some can lead to the development of anal and oral cancers. Gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men are 17 times more likely to get anal cancer than heterosexual men. Men who are HIV-positive are even more likely than those who do not have HIV to get anal cancer."

Original CDC Source



Genesis 13:13 - God calls The men of Sodom wicked.

Genesis 18:20; 19:4-5 - We discover that at least a part of that wickedness was homosexuality.

Jude 7 (N.T. Reference to Old Testament)- We read that Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed specifically for their "sexual perversion." (homosexuality)

In Genesis 18-19 the only sexual sin, thus "sexual perversion," that is presented is homosexuality.

Leviticus 18:22, 20:13 24-30; - God's Law strictly and clearly forbids homosexuality. The penalty for this activity among God's People was death.

Deuteronomy 22:5 - The Lord forbids homosexual dressing and cross-dressing.

Judges 19:22 - Homosexuals are called - wicked.

I Kings 14:24 - Male prostitutes (included homosexuality) - called "detestable".

I Kings 15:11 - Male prostitutes were "expelled" from the land. God calls this "good."

I Kings 22:46 - Male prostitutes were again "expelled" from the land - this time completely. God calls this expulsion "good."


Romans 1:26-28 - The topic of homosexuality is addressed, and its spiritual origins are exposed. Homosexuality is called: sinful desires, shameful lusts, sexual impurity, degrading, a lie, perversion.

I Corinthians 6:9-10 -says that you cannot be a homosexual and be saved.

Sexual Immorality = Anything (including homosexuality, of course) that is clearly against the nature and will of God regarding our sexuality as defined by God's Word. From the Scriptures above, homosexuality is clearly in the category of sexual immorality. The Bible has much to say about those who live in sexual immorality:

Hebrews 13:4 - Sexual immorality is condemned.

I Corinthians 6:9-10 - Will not inherit the Kingdom of God (not saved).

I Timothy 1:8-11 - The word "pervert" that is used here comes from Greek Word (arsenokoitias) that means, Sodomite or homosexual - specifically - a man who has sex with another man.

Ephesians 5:3-7 - Will not inherit the Kingdom of God (not saved).

Galatians 5:19-21 - Will not inherit the Kingdom of God (not saved).

Jude 7 (N.T. Reference to Old Testament)- We read that Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed specifically for their "sexual perversion." (Homosexuality)

Revelation 22:14-15 - Will not inherit the Kingdom of God (not saved).


TRUTH - There is not one instance of a single positive thing said about homosexuality or a homosexual anywhere in the Bible.

TRUTH - There is not one instance of a homosexual relationship being uplifted as an example of Godliness...anywhere in the Bible.

TRUTH - The Bible simply does not support a homosexual lifestyle as a "saved" or "godly" or "alternative" lifestyle for God's just does not.

TRUTH - According to the Bible (God's unchanging Word) - A practicing, unrepentant homosexual cannot and will not enter Heaven. He is not saved.

TRUTH - Regardless of a person's "sexual orientation," "predisposition," or "genetic tendancy" - to engage in ANY sex act is always a choice. A person HAS to have food and water, clothing and shelter to survive. However, a person can survive without sex, for a lifetime if necessary. Thus, we are all held accountable for our sexual choices. We are held accountable by the standards set out in God's Word. God is the inventor of sex ... therefore He gets to say how we use it.